Using the personal training app you can view your programs, assessments, messages, forms and more. You can video your exercise technique, record your results quickly and view messages from within the app.Features- View your training programs, assessments, tracking, and messages in-app.- Demo videos with descriptions of the exercises in your workouts so you always know exactly what to do at every step.- Record your results with ease and see the progress you make over time.- Video your exercise technique to make sure youre safe when exercising and doing everything correctly.- Fill out your online personal training forms and assessments.- Notifications and in-app messages to keep you on track even when times are tough.Benefits.- Train at a time and place that suits you. Saving you time and hassle. This makes getting in great shape much easier and helps keep you fit and strong whatever life throws at you.- Get coaching, accountability, workouts and support all inside your app. This means you can work with your trainer on every aspect of getting results and smash your goals.- Your personal trainer will be able to check your exercise technique and results through the app to ensure youre doing everything correctly, stay safe when exercising, and keep progressing towards your targets.